The methods developed and implemented at PADLab are designed to:
1. Enable individuals and groups to internalize nature’s perspective and make nature more present in their decision-making processes.
2. Predict and imagine new possibilities for nature during and after the climate crisis. Decode the meanings of these possibilities and communicate them to the public, education systems, experts, and decision makers.
3. Develop and experiment with models for reciprocity and collaboration between researchers and designers, aimed at studying the future of nature and culture during the climate crisis.
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1. Enable individuals and groups to internalize nature’s perspective and make nature more present in their decision-making processes.
2. Predict and imagine new possibilities for nature during and after the climate crisis. Decode the meanings of these possibilities and communicate them to the public, education systems, experts, and decision makers.
3. Develop and experiment with models for reciprocity and collaboration between researchers and designers, aimed at studying the future of nature and culture during the climate crisis.
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Microalgae; Yana Nidich, Nahal Shalev
Yellow Water Lily; Oded Ohayon, Chen Cohen