Common Habitat Workshop
The workshop, named ‘Common Habitat Workshop’ began with a guided tour in the Yarkon River and than moved to an immersive workshop in Lurber Galley, Shenkar. During the day participants were engaged in a tour through the different departments of the faculty of design.
‘Common Habitat Workshop’ is a co-creation project between PADlab and Ajeec, inviting communities, particularly young people, to participate in a unique form of thinking and making through complexity. In its most basic form, it allows participants to assume Other-Than-Human (OTH) perspective as they envision the future and the impact of their actions on their local environment. Yet, the project also provides a platform for enhancing local understanding and cooperation amongst divided human communities, opening a safe space for them to navigate real-life differences and sensitive conflicts while assuming the perspectives of others.
Harnessing design-led and experimental art practices, participants explore and speculate the evolution of OTH species in a local context, as they transform through developments in the natural and built environments. This speculative process will reveal how ecosystems are influenced and impacted by decisions, relationships and dynamics. The co-creation journey will progress through the following stages: 1) Decentering the human perspective and assuming an OTH perspective; 2) Reorganizing local ecosystems and life-worlds; 3) Creating new relationships, and; 4) Exhibiting and discussing the outcomes.
The workshop included 40 participants and 7 instructors from Palestinian-Jewish backgrounds. We hope that the ‘Common Habitat Workshop’ will serve as a provocative and catalytic experience for those who take part. Our wider aim is to disrupt standard frames through which we learn and talk about social and environmental change. By involving participants in a co-creation process, the project aims to give a voice to those who might be marginalized in traditional decision-making processes, ensuring that the project is shaped by the insights and experiences of the community it serves. The knowledge produced is intended to have practical applications, aimed to mend and rebuild local habits, practices, and community life. It will serve as the beginning of an iterative process capable of evolving, whether within the local communities themselves or in new settings
We are currently working on continuing the collaboration for next year.
‘Common Habitat Workshop’ is a co-creation project between PADlab and Ajeec, inviting communities, particularly young people, to participate in a unique form of thinking and making through complexity. In its most basic form, it allows participants to assume Other-Than-Human (OTH) perspective as they envision the future and the impact of their actions on their local environment. Yet, the project also provides a platform for enhancing local understanding and cooperation amongst divided human communities, opening a safe space for them to navigate real-life differences and sensitive conflicts while assuming the perspectives of others.
Harnessing design-led and experimental art practices, participants explore and speculate the evolution of OTH species in a local context, as they transform through developments in the natural and built environments. This speculative process will reveal how ecosystems are influenced and impacted by decisions, relationships and dynamics. The co-creation journey will progress through the following stages: 1) Decentering the human perspective and assuming an OTH perspective; 2) Reorganizing local ecosystems and life-worlds; 3) Creating new relationships, and; 4) Exhibiting and discussing the outcomes.
The workshop included 40 participants and 7 instructors from Palestinian-Jewish backgrounds. We hope that the ‘Common Habitat Workshop’ will serve as a provocative and catalytic experience for those who take part. Our wider aim is to disrupt standard frames through which we learn and talk about social and environmental change. By involving participants in a co-creation process, the project aims to give a voice to those who might be marginalized in traditional decision-making processes, ensuring that the project is shaped by the insights and experiences of the community it serves. The knowledge produced is intended to have practical applications, aimed to mend and rebuild local habits, practices, and community life. It will serve as the beginning of an iterative process capable of evolving, whether within the local communities themselves or in new settings
We are currently working on continuing the collaboration for next year.
PADLab Team: Michal Pauzner, Oded Kutok, Olga Stadnuk
Sensing activities in collaboration with: Atalia Ben-Hai / Nir Jacob Younessi
Human partners:
Adi Weintraub, Ofri Ben-Dov, Mais Nama, Yazan Safadi, Nitzan Fridman, Nawad Safeya, Stav Hezroni
Sensing activities in collaboration with: Atalia Ben-Hai / Nir Jacob Younessi
Human partners:
Adi Weintraub, Ofri Ben-Dov, Mais Nama, Yazan Safadi, Nitzan Fridman, Nawad Safeya, Stav Hezroni